Save Planet Earth is Easy

aving the planet or saving the whales is always a nice catch phrase, but it should actually read save the humans. This planet is a tough old lady and we can't do anything to mess her up. She'd spit us out like day old gum.

Is it possible to save these incorrigible homo sapiens? I suppose, and it's surprisingly very simple. We just need to be on the same planetary page, sorta speak. The major task is getting rid of that little trillion dollar import export business, oil something or another. To really grasp the power these SOB's have, rent the "Who Killed The Electric Car" DVD. You'll be shocked and amazed.

Once those oil mongers are out of the picture, we 'll no longer have a use for that other trillion dollar baby, the MIC! military industrial complex. Ya know, the one that Ike warned us about when leaving office.

Make no mistake, the Middle East is about oil, period. That's why kids on both sides are dying. We obviously didn't take heed of that warning. Sorry Ike. With the multi trillions of dollars freed up from the Fossil Fuel collapse, we can actually heal the world and our species.

The Good News - It won't be long. The alternative fuel revolution is upon us and taking off like wild fire. Alternative fuel (alternate fuel), also known as non-conventional fuels, is any material or substance that can be used as a fuel, other than fossil fuels, or conventional fuels of petroleum (oil), coal, propane, and natural gas. The term "alternative fuels" usually refers to a source of which energy is renewable.

In these days of the global village, global warming, economic globalization, environmental destruction, corporations with larger bankrolls than most nations, outbursts of genocidal violence in many areas of the world, rapid species loss, and apparently irrational acts of terrorism, it is little wonder that so many feel helpless and even impotent to influence their world, their countries, or even their immediate communities. Yet many know that they want to have an influence.

Billions of people are so hungry or stressed that they can't think much beyond how to get through the day. Untold millions maybe billions yearn for an end to armed conflict, cessation of ecological deterioration, and a more equal footing upon which to secure the basic needs essential to a life of reasonable well being.

Millions who are in a position do something are too busy to attend to what's happening globally. Most are numb from being constantly bombarded by advertising for interminable trivial purposes. And some wish for the wherewithal to find some way to straighten out the mess that the planet's in.

The fabulous creativity of our species is matched only by its uncanny potential for stupidity. We produce music, works of art, and words that touch the heart and warm the soul. We have a magnificent capacity for love and altruism. Our ingenuity, drive, and creativity are breathtaking. At the same time, we make and use tools and techniques that destroy individuals, societies, and the environment.

Our advances in technology have not been matched by advances in ethical understanding and our collective behavior threatens the very survival of our species. In response, a huge upwelling of activity and concern has begun to arise - and this Seminar is part of that tide. It's about shifting your perspective to think more about humanity's global predicament, and the role of each individual in it.

Over fifty years ago General Omar Bradley said "Our knowledge of science has clearly outstripped our capacity to control it .... Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants." In the same period the eminent psychologist Abraham Maslow observed that "the ultimate disease of our time is valuelessness . . . This state is more crucially dangerous then ever before in history." On a more hopeful note, however, Maslow added that "something can be done about this by man's own rational efforts."

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