
  Imagine the world in which we live utterly destroyed.   The once lavish green hues of the trees and grass turned brown.   The blue sky painted a smoky gray, ponds and lakes filled with toxic sludge uninhabitable by anything.   To go outside one has to have a breathing apparatus due to the toxicity of the air.   Piles and piles of waste have replaced the mountains and hills.   You have children born with all kinds of unheard of maladies, food and water rations from the government.   Imagine waking up to a dark hazy sky for years without seeing the rays of the sun.   Better yet, imagine waking up and not being able to go outside without a protective suit because we no loner have an ozone layer to protect us from the sun’s rays. Rats and other unimaginable vermin roam about in this wasteland.   It sounds like some post- apocalyptic science fiction novel of something doesn’t it.   Ladies and gentlemen I present to you the future planet earth; that is if we don’t start to do something about it soon.
      Currently, we live in a time where people can no longer be as wasteful as they once were.   Our waste carries with it extreme and harsh future ramifications.   Global warming, which directly ties into weather changes, which can and will adversely effect how each and every one of us lives.   Just look at a few weeks ago, we had snow in April!!   Our country is on the verge of economic collapse, we have to be mindful of what we need versus what we want.   In other words we need to save money and more importantly our environment.   One of the most cost effective ways to do this would be to recycle.

Recycling is the process, where we take used material, usually considered as waste, collect and then reprocess it.   In other words the basic elements of an old product are used as raw material to create a fresh and new product altogether. 

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