Air Pollution inside home.

We spend a large part of our lives at home and it does not often cross our mind that the air we are breathing may be polluted. Pollution inside homes is called 'indoor air pollution'.
Indoor air pollution is usually very low. But a lot of things can increase it.
Fresh paint is a cause of indoor air pollution and so is the burning of fuels such as coal and gas, in heaters, stoves and ovens.
But one of the main causes of indoor air pollution is smoking. Smoking cigarettes and tobacco can be very dangerous for health. The poison in the smoke can cause heart problems, lung cancer and other lung diseases.If a woman smokes when she is pregnant, her baby will probably be smaller and become ill.
Cigarette smoke is dangerous for people smoking but also for those who do not! Breathing in air, which contains other people's smoke, can cause you the same health problems, for example lung cancer.To reduce 'indoor air pollution', make sure the room is well ventilated while painting. Try ventilating your home often, you can open windows or use a fan. And if your parents or friends smoke, ask them to smoke outside. And best of all NEVER START SMOKING!!!

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